Doing business in Vietnam for office sub – leasing Service
If you are FDI company and would like to do office sub –leasing service in Vietnam, you should consider the follow condition:
Office sublease service is classified to real estate business – a conditional investment sector.
Under Vietnam Law on Real Estate Business 2014 which becomes effective from 1st July 2015, foreign investor is allowed to involve with office sub-lease business in Vietnam.
For conducting ofice sub-lease business in Vietnam, Client must have at least
20,000,000,000VND (Twenty billion Vietnam Dong) which is about 1,000,000USD (One million US Dollar) as charter capital.
Regarding to the Building for sub-lease, it must satisfy following conditions:
– The ownership of the building on land is registered in the Certificate of land use right (hereinafter referred to as Certificate of land). Regarding an off-the-plan building in the real estate project, it is only required to have the Certificate of land as prescribed in regulations of law on land;
– There is no dispute about the land and ownership of the building on land;
– The building is not distained;
– The building must satisfy other conditions applicable for office lease as stipulated under Vietnam Law.
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