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Question: I am poeple from Tokyo, Japan. I am interested in setting up Japanese Restaurant business in Hanoi Vietnam. May I know what is the procedure like and the cost involved in doing so. Answer: I’m lawyers of SBLAW, wouldlike to thank you for contacting us when having legal inquiries in Vietnam. Regarding “cafe/restaurant business”, we have […]
Question: We are FDI company and established in 2010, we would like to amend the Investment Certificate regarding the change of legal representative, please advise the legal procedure? Answer: We refer with thanks to your email from which we were requested to advise on possibilities of amending the Investment Certificate regarding the change of legal […]
SBLAW would like to send our legal advices regarding to matters to be noted during operation of the Company in Vietnam. Particular as follows: Necessary works to be implemented in the short term: 1.1. To settle the business-license tax: The investor will pay the business – license tax based on the charter capital shown on […]
SBLAW would like to provide you some information on setting up wholly foreign invested company (Hereinafter referred to as “FIC”) for foreign investor in Vietnam as follows: The establishment of a FIC in Vietnam requires an Investment Certificate from the licensing authority. Depending upon the location of the company, the licensing authority may be the […]
If you are FDI company and would like to do office sub –leasing service in Vietnam, you should consider the follow condition: Office sublease service is classified to real estate business – a conditional investment sector. Under Vietnam Law on Real Estate Business 2014 which becomes effective from 1st July 2015, foreign investor is […]
The establishment of a FIC in Vietnam shall require an Investment Certificate (IC) and Certificate of Business Registration (BRC) from competent authority. We would like to further note that licensing procedure for setting up a FIC in Vietnam is rather longer in comparison with other countries in region. Under Vietnam Investment Law 2014, within 15 […]
In order to create favorable conditions for cooperative development, contributing positively to economic restructuring, implementing industrialization and modernization of the country, hunger eradication and poverty reduction, especially in agriculture and rural development…on July 24, 2015, the Prime Minister issued the Directive No. 19/CT-TTg on promoting the implementation of the Law on Cooperatives. At the Directive, […]
The Prime Minister has just signed the Decision No. 1233/QD-TTg dated 1233/QD-TTg of the Prime Minister approving the import management scheme by 2020 in conformity with the international commitments with the vision to provide guidance on import management activities in order to meet the objectives stated in the strategy for export and import of goods […]
In accordance with the Circular No. 11/2015/TT-NHNN of the State Bank of Vietnam providing guidelines on handling with loans of agriculture and forestry companies when restructuring, renovating according to the Decree No. 118/2014/ND-CP dated December 17, 2014 of the Government, credit institutions shall agree with agriculture and forestry companies to transfer loans into capital stock […]